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Potomac Valley Bernese Mountain Dog Club, Inc.
Independent Specialty Shows and Sweepstakes
PVBMDC Specialty, Saturday October 28, 2023
Conformation Judge Mr. Dean Burwell

GCHG Trailbound's Jumping Jack Flash (D), B Beard /B Dillard /M Keck

CH Bigrocks's Piece De Resistance at Xcaliber, K Greenwood /R Greenwood / P Marsh

Indian Hill's Burning Down the House V Springbrook (B), J Gerow

GCHG Alpenspirit I'm A Soul Man FDC, P Eldredge

GCHS Olympusruns Something Wicked This Way Comes, M Berta/K Mann

GCHG Trailbound's Jumping Jack Flash (D), B Beard /B Dillard /M Keck

Xcakibur's Kodak Moment v Bigrock CGC TKN, B Schmoyer/K Greenwood/P Marsch

Blakener's Femme Fatale, B Dillard
Reserve Winners Dog (Not Shown)
Denwood's Gem Twist, H Austin/N Davis
PVBMDC Specialty, Sunday October 29, 2023
Conformation Judge Ms. Denise Dean

Indian Hill's Burning Down the House V Springbrook (B), J Gerow

GCHG Trailbound's Jumping Jack Flash, B Beard /B Dillard /M Keck

Indian Hill's Burning Down the House V Springbrook (B), J Gerow

GCHS Blackrock Purple Passion, D Cox/G Reeve

CH Mountain View Farms Run for the Limelight, S Wolfgang

Winnetou on Fire from Orsina's Land, N Melone

Indian Hill's Burning Down the House V Springbrook (B), J Gerow

Bee and Honey Von Romanshof, H Neel /J Neel

Anastasia's Kat Call. Owner Natalie Ellis
Reserve Winners Dog (Not Shown)
L-Sin's Top gun of Blakner, B Dillard