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Application to PVBMDC is made by completing an application form and submitting it with an application fee of $5.  Each applicant must be sponsored by two current, unrelated Regular members of PVBMDC, and must attend two club meetings, or one meeting and one Club activity, excluding the club’s Regional Specialty show, within one year of the date of this application.  One of these functions must be after the application is submitted and read at a club meeting.  If attendance at one Club function preceded submission of the application, it must have occurred within the 12-month period preceding the submission of the application.


There are two levels of membership: Regular and Associate. If you do not expect to attend meetings regularly, please consider applying as an Associate Member. This non-voting type of membership allows you to participate in all the Club activities, receive the newsletter, and to support and enjoy the Club’s programs. Regular Members are expected to attend most general meetings so they may participate in club decisions by being informed and voting at these meetings. An Associate Member may choose to change to Regular Membership by notifying the Secretary at the time of yearly membership renewal, with the change effective after Jan 1 of the upcoming year. A Regular Member may change to Associate any time by written request to the Secretary.


Juniors ages 10 through 17 may apply for Junior Membership in PVBMDC.   


Note:  PVBMDC, Inc. By-Laws govern the rules concerning membership application and take precedence over any statement to the contrary appearing on this web site.



Dues are payable on or before the first day of January of each year.  No member may vote whose dues are not paid for the current year.

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