PVBMDC Specialty, Saturday February 18, 2015
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Potomac Valley Bernese Mountain Dog Club, Inc.
Eighteenth Independent Specialty Show, Sweepstakes, and Obedience Trial
Sweepstakes Judge Dawn Hitchcock (Judges Comments)
Best Puppy - Cedar Creek's Dallas Dailey News - owner, Brenda Bernard
Best Opposite to Best Puppy - Indian Hill's Bottoms Up V Legend Rigi, owner Joanne Gerow
Best Veteran - CH Winterthur's Black Pearl, owner Galen Zimmer
Best Opposite to Best Veteran - GCH Blumoon Tanzenite V Blackrock, CD, owner Dawn Cox& Georgeann Reeve
Conformation Judge Abby Patrizio (Judges Comments)
Best of Breed - CH. Classique's Bella Notte HCTS - owner Dawn Gabig
Best of Winners - Anastasia's All The Bells & Whistles - Natalie Ellis & Stephanie Finkbiner
Best Opposite to BOB - Keilissa's American Express - owner Malissa Ruchak
Select Dog - GCH. Greenway's Test of Time - owner Dede Laveran & Rose Tamberino & Renell Gallizzo
Select Bitch - CH. Casmor's Just In Time - owner Deborah Reams & Kim Elksnis & Sherry Von Engel
Awards of Merit - GCH. Blumoon Tanzenite V Blackrock, CD - owner Dawn Cox & Georgeann Reeve
Award of Merit - CH. Winterthur's Black Pearl, owner Galen Zimmer
Winners Dog - Legend Rigi's Eagle of Indian Hill - owner Joanne Gerow & Eisaku Saito
Winners Bitch - Anastasia's All The Bells & Whistles - Natalie Ellis & Stephanie Finkbiner
Best Bred By Exhibitor - Lewa's Midnite Special - owner Deborah & William Hamilton
Best Junior Handler - Novice Jr. 9 - 12 Class - Karalynn T. Yoder,

CH. Classique's Bella Notte HCTS - owner Dawn Gabig

Legend Rigi's Eagle of Indian Hill - owner Joanne Gerow & Eisaku Saito

Blackwater Great Expectations - owners Georgeann Reeve & Dawn Cox

Karalynn T. Yoder, Lindenhof's Freya V Chargun, DC RE NA, NAJ, NAP

Lewa's Midnite Special - owner Deborah & William Hamilton

CH Winterthur's Black Pearl, owner Galen Zimmer
PVBMDC Specialty, Sunday February 18, 2015
Conformation Judge Cathy Daughtery (Judges Comments)
Best of Breed - GCH. Tallpine's Life Of The Party - owner Dawn Hitchcock & Stephen Crisp
Best of Winners - Millenium Star Esperanto Tequila - owner Joanne Gerow & Eisaku Saito
Best Opposite to BOB - CH. Classique's Bella Notte HCTS - owner Dawn Gabig
Select Dog - GCH. Witchways Here Comes The Magic - owner Richard Harrison & Joyce Dickhoff
Select Bitch - CH. Casmor's Just In Time - owner Deborah Reams & Kim Elksnis & Sherry Von Engel
Award of Merit: GCH. Blumoon Tanzenite V Blackrock, CD - owner Dawn Cox & Georgeann Reeve
Awards of Merit :Skylyn-N-Trailbound's True Test of Time, RN - owner Michelle Keck & Christine McLean
Winners Dog - Millenium Star Esperanto Tequila - owner Joanne Gerow & Eisaku Saito
Winners Bitch - Banhof's Light My Fire - owner Michael & Janice Bann
Best Puppy - Cedar Creek's Dallas Dailey News - owner Brenda Bernard
Best Junior Handler - Novice Jr. 9 - 12 Class - Karalynn T. Yoder,

GCH Tallpine's Life of the Party - owned by Dawn Hitchcock

CH. Classique's Bella Notte HCTS - owner Dawn Gabig

CH. Casmor's Just In Time - owner Deborah Reams & Kim Elksnis & Sherry Von Engel

Skylyn-N-Trailbound's True Test of Time, RN - owner Michelle Keck & Christine McLean
PVBMDC Specialty, Saturday February 17, 2015
Obedience and Rally
Rally Trial
Judged by Jean Nocilly
High Combined Score in Advanced B & Excellent B
CH Brighteye Whole Latte Love, UDX2, RAE2, OM2, NA, NAJ, owned by Vilma Briggs & Deborah Hotze
Obedience Trials
Judged by Jean Nocilly
High in Trial - AM
Novice B - Thirdtym's Frappuccino Delight - 194.5
High in Trial - PM
Novice B - Thirdtym's Frappuccino Delight - 191.5

CH Brighteye Whole Latte Love, UDX2, RAE2, OM2, NA, NAJ, owned by Vilma Briggs & Deborah Hotze

Top Notch Paunsaugunt Canyon, owner Tamsen Nuss (92)

CH Brighteye Whole Latte Love, UDX2, RAE2, IM2, NA, NAJ, owner Vilma Briggs & Deborah Hotze (100)

Starkenhund Heluva Knight at Wintrin, RA, CD, owner Lisa Mitchell & Elaine Lawrence (97)